Atrise ToHTML 2.0.2 Portable

Atrise ToHTML 2.0.2 Portable

İletigönderen shadow39 » Pzt Oca 07, 2008 19:40

The ToHTML is a file format batch converter. It can convert office documents to clean HTML:

* *.rtf - RTF
* *.doc - Microsoft Word 97-2002
* *.doc, *wpd - WordPerfect 6.x/5.x
* *wri - Windows Write (on 2000/XP/x64)
* *.docm, *.docx - Microsoft Word 2007 (additional download is required)
* *.doc - Microsoft Word 6,95,97-2003 (additional download is required)
* *.wps - Microsoft Works 6.0/5.0(2000)/4.x (additional download is required)
* *.mcw,*.xls,*.pwi,*.wk*,etc - different documents supported by Microsoft Office 2003 (Microsoft Office 2003 installed is required)
The program generates clean XHTML-compatible code without unwanted tags like font, i, table etc. You can use the generated result as a source for manual styling.

[hide] ... -2.0.2.exe
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Tutturmuş Bir kürdistan Türküsü
Eline Almış Bayrak Diye Bir Masa örtüsü
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İte itlik Yapıp Kafa Tutma Beyine
Anlasa Dediğimi Sokaktaki Köpek Ağlar Haline
Duy Ulan Soysuz
Ne Mutlu TÜRK'üm Diyene!!!
Bu da can d..... efendiye olsun. belgeselci.
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