“Türkleri Suriye cephesinde yenen komutan”[/i] olarak tanınan Chauvel’e döndü. Avustralya Silahlı Kuvvetleri Müfettişi Chauvel, 28 Şubat 1921 günü United Service Club’ta yaptığı konuşmada Türklerin dirilişini şöyle açıklayacaktı: “Mustafa Kemal, ateşkes (Mondros Mütarekesi) imzalandığında (30 Ekim 1918), İngilizler’e karşı çok acımasız bir tutum takındı. Kendisinin üzerine yürümeyip, bu sert davranışını İstanbul’a (İngiliz Komutanlığı’na) bildirmeye ve İstanbul’a dönmesi için her türlü yardımın sağlanmasına karar verildi. Ancak o, nasıl olduysa, İstanbul’a varmadan taşıttan indi, ondan sonra bir ordu oluşturup Yunanlara çok şiddetli bir dayak attı.” [1]
Birinci İnönü Zaferi, Avustralya’da işte böyle yankılanmıştı. Mustafa Kemal’in 26 Ağustos 1922 günü başlattığı Büyük Taarruzla Yunan ordusunu kovalamaya başlaması, tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Avustralya’da da büyük yankı uyandıracaktı.
Avustralyalı savaş muhabiri H. S. Gullett, [2] 7 Eylül 1922’de yayımlanan makalesinde, 1918’de yenilen Türkler’in, M. Kemal tarafından nasıl ayağa kaldırıldığını şöyle anlatıyordu:

Kemal güldü ve kusursuz Fransızcayla “Söyle Chauvel’e” dedi, “gelsin de beni kendisi teslim alsın.” Kemal, (Halep’te bulunan İngiliz Hint Süvari Birliklerinin komutanı) Mac Andrew’in [3] askerlerinin ve atlarının durumunun, bunu (kendisini teslim almaya gelmelerini) olanaksız kıldığını biliyordu. Bir kaç gün süren görüşmelerden sonra, her nasılsa, Kemal durumunun umutsuzluğunu kabul etti, ve Halep’e gidip Mac Andrew’a teslim oldu. (...)
Kendisine çok nazik davranılan Kemal, bir süre Mac Andrew’in esiri olarak kaldı. (...) Kısa süre sonra, onun İngilizlerin elinde olan İstanbul’a trenle devam etmesi için emirler geldi. Kemal, lüks devlet otomobilinde gülümseyerek, Mac Andrew’e “Benim gerçekten İstanbul’a gitmemi beklemiyorsunuz, değil mi?” diyerek gitti. Onun, yeniden İngilizlere esir olacağı İstanbul’a gitmeye hiç niyeti yoktu. Anadolu’nun kasabalarının birinde, treni terketti ve Yunanları ülkeden kovacak güce dönüşecek karargâhlarını, işte o zaman kurdu. [4]
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Avustralya basını 1922’de yayılan bu uydurmaları, 15 yıl sonra yineleyecek [6] The Age gazetesi, Mustafa Kemal’in ölümünden iki gün sonra 12 Kasım 1938 günü yayımladığı “Kemal’in Teslimi” başlıklı yazıda; General Chauvel’in karargâh subaylarından Walter P. Farr’ın, Mütareke’den sonra Mustafa Kemal’i İstanbul’a gitmekte olan trende yakalayıp, kılıcını teslim aldığını ileri sürecekti. [7]
Aynı gazete, bir yıl sonra, Mustafa Kemal’in kılıcını W. P. Farr’a teslim ettiği uydurusunu bir yana bırakarak, bu kez de Mustafa Kemal General Chauvel’e teslim oldu, diyecekti. [8]
Avustralya basını konuyu son kez 1940’ta, Albay W. P. Farr’ın ölüm haberinde yeniden gündeme getirdi. [9] Başlıklar şöyleydi:
“Mustafa Kemal’in Kılıcını Teslim Alan Adam Yarbay W. P. Farr Öldü”, “Kemal Paşa’yı Esir Eden Adam; Yarbay Farr Öldü”, “Mustafa Kemal’in Teslimi” vs...
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Avustralya basınının Mustafa Kemal’i Anzaklara teslim olmuş gösteren bu yayınları gerçek dışıdır. M. Kemal’in kılıcı, Atatürk ve Kurtuluş Savaşı Müzesi’ndedir. 1922’de çekilmiş fotoğrafta, kılıcın belinde olduğu görülmektedir.
Mütareke’nin imzalandığı 30 Ekim 1918 ve sonraki günlerde, Mustafa Kemal’in hangi gün, hangi saatte, nerede olduğu, kimlerle görüştüğü belgelerle ortadadır. Belgeler 1926 yılında Hakimiyeti Milliye gazetesinde ve daha sonra kitap olarak yayımlanmıştır.
Ali Fuat Cebesoy da Milli Mücadele Hatıraları kitabında. Suriye cephesi ve Mütareke günleriyle ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiler vermiştir. Belge ve bilgiler, Avustralya basınındaki bu yayınların gerçeğe aykırı olduğunu kanıtlıyor.
[1] Brisbane Courier, Tuesday 1 March 1921, “Near East”.
[2] Gullett, Sir Henry Somer (Harry) (1878-1940) Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 9, (MUP), 1983
[3] The Times, 24 July 1919- Major-General Sir Henry John Milnes Macandrew, K.C.B., D.S.O., died from heart failure, resulting from burns on the 16th inst. in Syria, where he was serving in command of the 5th (Indian) Cavalry Division.
[4] The Journal (Adelaide), Thursday 7 September 1922, p.l. KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. The Register (Adelaide, SA) Friday 8 September 1922, p.7 KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. Kalgoorlie Miner (WA) Thursday 21 September 1922, p.6 KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA), Tuesday 3 October 1922, p.2: KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY.
[5] The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)-Monday 18 September 1922, p.9: KEMAL PASHA. INCIDENT IN THE WAR, ORIGIN OF PRESENT TROUBLE. * The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 September 1922, p.7: “Anything Might Happen.” Sir Harry Chauvel’s View. * The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), Saturday 30 September 1922, page 14: Palestine and Syria. * The Armidale Chronicle (NSW), Wednesday 4 October 1922, page 7: Productions of War. Mustapha Kemal’sRise. How He Build Up The Army. * Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton), Friday 6 October 1922, p.8: Kemal the Soldier. * The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser (NSW), Friday 6 October 1922, Great Military Leader.
[6] The Cairns Post, Wednesday, 23 June 1937, p.8. Father of The Turks. Kemal Atatürk. * The Western Star, Wednesday, 7 July 1937, Liberator of Turkey, The Rise of Kemal Atatürk. * The Shepparton Advertiser. Sunday, 28 March 1938, p.9: Armageddon.
[7] The Age, 12 November 1938, p.30: Kamal’s Surrender. By the ironies of fate, Kamal Ataturk, who deliberaiely chose Ihe emblem of the grey wolf, which occasionally ravages the steppes of Asia Minor, and who manifested many of its characteristics, died peacefully in his bed practically on the twentieth anniversary of the armistice. It was almosl 20 years lo ihe day since a Melbourne officer accepted Kamal’s sword as a token of surrender ai Aintab, a village about 40 miles on the Euphrates side of Aleppo. His resource and prowess as a soldier were well known to the Anzacs since the Gallipolli days. Although the Turkish armistice had been signed, and Kamal’s army of the Euphrates captured or scattered, Kamal himself, with his staff, was reported to be heading in a special train to the railway junction at Aleppo, but the advance section of Chauvel’s Australian cavalry got there first. Colonel Farr, of the Staff Corps (“Wally” Farr to everybody from the G.O.C. to his batman), by hard riding at the head of a squadron of troopers, intercepted Kamal’s train at a siding. The Turk, who spoke good French and a little English, was truculent at first, and refused to hand over his sword to any but a lieutenant-general. Some of the men suggested so the colonel to give him a “belt under the ear,” but Farr was equally Oriental and suave. He explained that he personally represented General Chauvel, on whose behalf he would accept an honorable surrender. The train was luxuriously appointed, but the troopers searched it in vain for the bullion it was reported to contain. Kamal, however, had four beautiful Arab ponies which he had looted. He was not taken into captivity. After a few days he managed to obtain a large sum in gold from the Turkish Ministry of the Interior, upon the payment of which he was allowed by the British authority to take his train on to Anatolia. That release probably changed the course of history in the Near East.
[8] The Age, 11 November 1939. p.26: 21 Years Ago. Some “Armistice Day” Thoughts.
[9] The Mercury (Hobart), Monday 18 November 1940, p.3: COL. W. P. FARR DEAD. Man Who Received Sword From Mustapha Kemal Pasha. > The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 November 1940, p.5: “Obituary DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER Lt-Col. W. P Farr. > Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW), Monday 18 November 1940, p.6: MAN WHO CAPTURED KEMAL PASHA Colonel Farr Dead. > Daily Advertiser (NSW) Monday 25 November 1940, p.6: Mustapha Kemal’s Surrender.The Mercury (Hobart), Monday 18 November 1940, p.3: COL. W. P. FARR DEAD. Man Who Received Sword From Mustapha Kemal Pasha. > The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 November 1940, p.5: “Obituary DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER Lt-Col. W. P Farr. > Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW), Monday 18 November 1940, p.6: MAN WHO CAPTURED KEMAL PASHA Colonel Farr Dead. > Daily Advertiser (NSW) Monday 25 November 1940, p.6: Mustapha Kemal’s Surrender.
[1] Brisbane Courier, Tuesday 1 March 1921, “Near East”.
[2] Gullett, Sir Henry Somer (Harry) (1878-1940) Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 9, (MUP), 1983
[3] The Times, 24 July 1919- Major-General Sir Henry John Milnes Macandrew, K.C.B., D.S.O., died from heart failure, resulting from burns on the 16th inst. in Syria, where he was serving in command of the 5th (Indian) Cavalry Division.
[4] The Journal (Adelaide), Thursday 7 September 1922, p.l. KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. The Register (Adelaide, SA) Friday 8 September 1922, p.7 KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. Kalgoorlie Miner (WA) Thursday 21 September 1922, p.6 KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY. Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA), Tuesday 3 October 1922, p.2: KEMAL PASHA. THE MAN AND HIS ARMY.
[5] The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW)-Monday 18 September 1922, p.9: KEMAL PASHA. INCIDENT IN THE WAR, ORIGIN OF PRESENT TROUBLE. * The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 September 1922, p.7: “Anything Might Happen.” Sir Harry Chauvel’s View. * The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), Saturday 30 September 1922, page 14: Palestine and Syria. * The Armidale Chronicle (NSW), Wednesday 4 October 1922, page 7: Productions of War. Mustapha Kemal’sRise. How He Build Up The Army. * Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton), Friday 6 October 1922, p.8: Kemal the Soldier. * The Richmond River Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser (NSW), Friday 6 October 1922, Great Military Leader.
[6] The Cairns Post, Wednesday, 23 June 1937, p.8. Father of The Turks. Kemal Atatürk. * The Western Star, Wednesday, 7 July 1937, Liberator of Turkey, The Rise of Kemal Atatürk. * The Shepparton Advertiser. Sunday, 28 March 1938, p.9: Armageddon.
[7] The Age, 12 November 1938, p.30: Kamal’s Surrender. By the ironies of fate, Kamal Ataturk, who deliberaiely chose Ihe emblem of the grey wolf, which occasionally ravages the steppes of Asia Minor, and who manifested many of its characteristics, died peacefully in his bed practically on the twentieth anniversary of the armistice. It was almosl 20 years lo ihe day since a Melbourne officer accepted Kamal’s sword as a token of surrender ai Aintab, a village about 40 miles on the Euphrates side of Aleppo. His resource and prowess as a soldier were well known to the Anzacs since the Gallipolli days. Although the Turkish armistice had been signed, and Kamal’s army of the Euphrates captured or scattered, Kamal himself, with his staff, was reported to be heading in a special train to the railway junction at Aleppo, but the advance section of Chauvel’s Australian cavalry got there first. Colonel Farr, of the Staff Corps (“Wally” Farr to everybody from the G.O.C. to his batman), by hard riding at the head of a squadron of troopers, intercepted Kamal’s train at a siding. The Turk, who spoke good French and a little English, was truculent at first, and refused to hand over his sword to any but a lieutenant-general. Some of the men suggested so the colonel to give him a “belt under the ear,” but Farr was equally Oriental and suave. He explained that he personally represented General Chauvel, on whose behalf he would accept an honorable surrender. The train was luxuriously appointed, but the troopers searched it in vain for the bullion it was reported to contain. Kamal, however, had four beautiful Arab ponies which he had looted. He was not taken into captivity. After a few days he managed to obtain a large sum in gold from the Turkish Ministry of the Interior, upon the payment of which he was allowed by the British authority to take his train on to Anatolia. That release probably changed the course of history in the Near East.
[8] The Age, 11 November 1939. p.26: 21 Years Ago. Some “Armistice Day” Thoughts.
[9] The Mercury (Hobart), Monday 18 November 1940, p.3: COL. W. P. FARR DEAD. Man Who Received Sword From Mustapha Kemal Pasha. > The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 November 1940, p.5: “Obituary DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER Lt-Col. W. P Farr. > Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW), Monday 18 November 1940, p.6: MAN WHO CAPTURED KEMAL PASHA Colonel Farr Dead. > Daily Advertiser (NSW) Monday 25 November 1940, p.6: Mustapha Kemal’s Surrender.The Mercury (Hobart), Monday 18 November 1940, p.3: COL. W. P. FARR DEAD. Man Who Received Sword From Mustapha Kemal Pasha. > The Argus (Melbourne), Monday 18 November 1940, p.5: “Obituary DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER Lt-Col. W. P Farr. > Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW), Monday 18 November 1940, p.6: MAN WHO CAPTURED KEMAL PASHA Colonel Farr Dead. > Daily Advertiser (NSW) Monday 25 November 1940, p.6: Mustapha Kemal’s Surrender.
Cengiz ÖZAKINCI, “Bütün Dünya”, Aralık 2015