How can I scan documents using my phone?

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How can I scan documents using my phone?

İletigönderen Tamia » Çrş Haz 19, 2024 15:42

Hi! I want to learn how to scan documents using my smartphone. Is there a convenient app for this?
Kullanıcı küçük betizi
İletiler: 1
Kayıt: Çrş Haz 19, 2024 13:50

Re: How can I scan documents using my phone?

İletigönderen Quinto » Çrş Haz 19, 2024 15:48

Hi! I was looking for a solution too and found a great article on that talks about the benefits of using mobile apps for scanning. The article links to a site where you can find an app to scan documents directly from your phone in PDF or image format. Now I always have the ability to scan documents on the go, without needing a scanner.
Kullanıcı küçük betizi
İletiler: 1
Kayıt: Çrş Haz 19, 2024 15:44

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