“Johnnyler ve Mehmetçikler”i Tartışıyor

Prof. Dr. Anthony Pym. [Avrupa Topluluğu
Çeviri Çalışmaları (European Society for
Translation Studies - EST) Başkanı, Viyana
Üniversitesi Walter Benjamin Kürsüsü Sahibi
Toplumbilimci Çeviribilimci, Kültürlerarası
Araştırmalar Grubu Eşgüdümcüsü.] [2]
Prof. Dr. A. Pym “bir tartışma açmak istiyorum” (I want to broach a discussion) sözleriyle başlattığı Johnnies and Mehmets [3] başlıklı bu makalesini, salt Özakıncı’nın Argümanı’nı irdeleyip çürütmeye özgülemiş olduğundan, onun tartışma açma çağırışına katılıp, makalesini yanıtlamak, herkesten önce bana düşüyor; ancak makalesinde öyle çok maddi yanlış var ki, bunları tek tek gösterip düzeltmeye dergimizin sayfa sayısı yetmeyeceği için; kapsamlı yanıtımızı -Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak- internet sitemizde yayınlayacağız.
Prof. Dr. A. Pym makalesinde, iki akademisyenin yıllar önce yayımlanmış argümanlarını yineliyor. Bunlardan biri Asst. Prof. Dr. Adrian Jones’un 2004’te yayımlanan Atatürk’ün Gelibolu Hakkındaki Sözleri Üzerine Bir Not (A note on Atatürk’s words about Gallipoli) başlıklı makalesi; [4] diğeri Dr. George Friedrick Davis’in Anzak Günü’nün Anlamları ve Anıları (Anzac Day Meanings and Memories) başlıklı, 2008 tarihli, 359 sayfalık doktora tezidir.
Atatürk anıtlarına kazılı bulunan “Johnniler ve Mehmetler” sözüne odaklanmış ilk yabancı akademik makalenin yazarı Asst. Prof. Dr. Adrian Jones; Prof. Dr. A. Pym tarafından Özakıncı’nın Argümanı’na karşı dayanak olarak gösterilen makalesinde, çok özet olarak şöyle diyor:

“Bir yandan güçlü ve özverili avcılarımızın yüksek sırtlardan inerek anılan düşman kollarının başlarına atılmaları, bir yandan da topçularımızın isabetli şarapnellerinin yanaşık düşman kolları üzerine etki etmesi düşmanda güvenliği de, manevi gücü de, kumandayı da çiğnedi. (...) Düşman da tümüyle gözlerini geriye çevirmek ve kaçmak yoluna yeğledi. (...) Bit çarpışmada düşmana binlerce ölü, binlerce yaralı verdirdik. Birçok silahlarını aldık. O cephede bulunan makineli tüfeklerini ele geçirdik. Birçok da tutsak alındı.” [16] “İngilizler, Arıburnu çıkartmasında, bu cephedeki çarpışmalarda kendi kıt kumandanlarının, askerlerinin gösterdikleri cesareti, metaneti, savaşçılık yeteneklerini olağanüstü bir övgü diliyle anmakta ve ilan etmektedirler. Fakat düşünün ki bütün savaş araç gereçleriyle mükemmel biçimde donanmış olarak büyük bir inat ve azimle Arıburnu sahillerine ayak basan düşmanımız yine o sahil kenarlarında kalmaya mecbur olmuştur. Bundan dolayı subaylarımız, askerlerimiz, yurtseverlik ve dinsel duyguları ile, özel milli yiğitlikleriyle, bu kertede güçlü bir düşmana karşı başkent (İstanbul) kapılarını korumakta gerçekten övülmeye değer bir yer kazanmışlardır. Kumanda ettiğim bütün kıt’aların subaylarını ve erlerini birer birer takdir ederim. Bu yüce amaç uğrunda canlarını kahramanca feda eden kutsal mukaddes şehitlerimizi derin ve sonsuz bir saygıyla anarım.” [17]
Atatürk’ün 1915 Çanakkale işgaliyle ilgili olarak 1918’de söylediği bu sözler, standart yurtsever böbürlenmedir (...) [18] Soruyoruz: Atatürk (1915’te) böylesine çok ölüm ve acı getirmiş olan bu işgalcileri (1918’de aşağılamışken) neden 1934’te onları onurlandırmak yoluna gitti? (...) Atatürk Avrupalı değerleri seviyordu. [19] (...) Kemalist Türk Milliyetçiliğinin Osmanlı karşıtı kumaşı (...) ulusallık, cumhuriyetçilik ve laikliğin Avrupalı normlarını uygulamaktı. (...) 1919’da ilan edilen Yeni Kemalist Milliyetçilik, 1915 Nisan-Kasım arası Gelibolu’da dolaylı olarak ortaya çıktı. [20] (...) Türkiye Gelibolu’dan sonra ve Gelibolu’da doğdu, Mehmetler’e ilişkin hiç bir şey bilmeyen bu “Johnny”ler, Mehmetleri, kaderlerinin ustaları olarak yeniden inşa ettiler. (...) [21]
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Jones’a göre: 1915 Çanakkale Savaşı’nda emperyalist işgalciler Osmanlı karşıtı olarak Osmanlı’yı yıkmak amacıyla savaşmışlar; eh, Atatürk de daha sonra Yeni Türkiye’yi Osmanlı karşıtı bir temelde, Osmanlı’yı yıkarak inşa etmiş; 1915 Çanakkale işgalcilerinin Cumhuriyetçi Laiklik, Ulusçuluk gibi Avrupalı değerleri; Atatürk’ün 1919’dan sonra inşa ettiği Türkiye’nin temellerini oluşturmuş; meğer 1915 Çanakkale işgalcisi Johnnyler, kendileri ayırdında olmaksızın, Atatürk’ü ve Türkleri, ulus biçminde örgütlenmeye teşvik etmişler; işte 1915-1918’de işgalci askerleri aşağılamış olan Atatürk’ün, 1934’te tersine onları kutsayıp onurlandırarak Mehmetçiklerle eşitlemesinin nedeni, buymuş.
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Jones’un yukarıda çok özet olarak aktardığımız makalesinde, Mustafa Kemal’in 1933’te hasta olduğu ve Atatürk soyadının 1933’te verildiği gibi tarih yanlışları var; ancak en önemli yanlış, anıtlara kazınan işgalciyi kutsayıcı, onurlandırıcı, Mehmetçiklerle eşitleyici sözlerin Atatürk’e ait olup olmadığını hiç sorgulamadan Atatürk’e ait sayması.
Dergimizin Mart-Nisan 2015 sayılarında 1915 Çanakkale Savaşı Anıtlarına Kazınan “Conilerle Mehmetçikler Arasında Fark Yoktur” Sözleri Atatürk’e Ait Değil başlıklı makalelerimizde, anıtlara kazınan sözlerin Atatürk’e ait olmadığını somut belgelerle kanıtladık. Atatürk’ün 1918’deki görüşünü 1934’te değiştirdiği savı gerçeğe aykırıdır, çünkü Atatürk 1918 söyleşisini 1930’larda aynen kitap olarak bastırıp yaymıştır. Jones’un bu makalesine dayanan Prof. Dr. A. Pym’e vereceğimiz kapsamlı yanıtta, Şükrü Kaya’nın 1934’te Gelibolu’yu ziyaret eden yabancı eski askerlerle görüşmediğini ve onlara herhangi bir söylev vermediğini kanıtlayan belgeleri yayımlayacağız; böylece anıtlara kazınan bu sözleri Atatürk’e ait göstermekte kullanılan bütün argümanlar çökecektir.
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1915’te Çanakkale’yi geçilmez kılan, 1922’de işgalcileri denize döken, Bağımsız Türkiye uğruna canlarını veren bütün Şehit Mehmetçik ve Gazilerimize, Atatürk’ün 1918’de Yeni Mecmua’da yayımlanan, ve ölünceye dek değiştirmediği sözlerini yineleyerek, en derin sevgi ve saygılarımla.
[1] http://peterstanley.net/about-me/
[2] http://www.est-translationstudies.org/c ... ittees.htm
[3] Antnohy Pym, “On the passage of transcendent messages: Johnnies and Mehmets” Version 1.6. May19, 2015. http://usuaris.tinet.cat/apym/on-line/t ... endent.Pdf
[4] Jones, Adrian. 2004. “A note on Atatürk’s words about Gallipoli”, History of Australia 2(1): 10-1 – 10-9 (...)
[5] This article looks again at the words which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk addressed in 1934 to the Europeans against whom he had fought at Gallipoli, words now set in stone beside Anzac Cove. It offers a historical explanation of the extraordinarily generous terms in which he spoke. (...)
[6] “Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears. Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well.”(1) The words are Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s (3) . They were written by him in 1934 to be spoken about foreigners who invaded the European shores of the Dardanelles in 1915.
[7] Modern Turkey was late to recognise the defenders of the Gallipoli side of the Dardanelles campaign, only building monuments in the 1960s and 1970s that balanced those erected by the Allied War Graves Commission after 1934.
[8] Atatürk’s words were therefore exceptional in 1934: the founder of a Turkish republic, a victor in one of the first successful post-colonial struggles, the Turkish war of independence of 1919–22, had oddly troubled himself to equate Turkey’s Mehmets, dead heroes of the Dardanelles campaigns of 1915, with the dead of the imperialist invaders. (...)
[9] ŞükrüKaya, Interior Minister in Atatürk’s government in 1934, (...) Atatürk had been ailing since 1933. He died in 1938. (...)
[10] Then the Father of the Turks – the title ‘Atatürk’ was bestowed in 1933
[11] Atatürk went on to tell him that his speech must also honour the dead of the invaders. (...) He had just superintended the sup-pression of fieyh Said’s Kurdish revolt seeking to undo Atatürk’s secularism. Kaya must have been perplexed, if not vexed. Why honour external invaders and aggressors? (...)
[12] Atatürk knew that the invaders (...) They were agents of foreign powers out to turn Turkey into a patchwork of colonies. Yet Atatürk stil went out of his way in 1934 to honour these imperialist invaders (...) the ailing Atatürk wrote a short speech for him to give. He handed it to the bemused Minister to deliver at the Gallipoli site (İğdemir 1978 pp. 6, 39). Atatürk (...) addressed to invaders whom he honoured un-named (...) (...)
[13] Atatürk was honouring an enemy. (...) Yet Atatürk blessed un-named invaders of his homeland. (...) Atatürk seems to have honoured the invaders in 1934 because they unknowingly prompted Atatürk and the Turks to shape the kind of nation that the Turks came to know that they wanted, (...)
[14] (...) He wrote and said little about the Gallipoli landings. And the few things he did say and write differed. My thesis is that Atatürk’s views changed (...) My evidence is that Atatürk’s words about Anzac deeds differed in revealing ways according to whether they were uttered in 1915 – mid-battle, in 1918 – after battle, but before independence, and in 1934 (...)
[15] (...) His noble words of 1934 were about deeds of 1915 that had not seemed noble to him in 1918. (...)
[16] (...) Atatürk’s initial response had been far less generous. Speaking to a journalist in 1918 he had noted dismissively: When Ottoman soldiers attacked ferociously, supported by accurate shrapnel fire from mountain batteries, the English soldiers could only think of escaping to the sea. I was surprised to hear that even General Ian Hamilton came on location and could not have his commands obeyed and there was much discussion and procrastination amongst the senior officers. This allowed us to win… We captured many machine guns and prisoners.
[17] (...) The English brag about the soldiers and officers who fought gallantly and bravely at Arı Burnu landings and at this front. But think about [how] the enemy… equipped with the most advanced war machinery and determination by and large were forced to remain on these shores. Our officers and soldiers [whose] love for their motherland and religion and heroism protected the doors of their capital İstanbul against such a proud enemy won the right to a status [of which] we can be proud. I congratulate all the members of the fighting units under my command. I remember with deep and eternal respect all the ones who sacrificed their lives and became martyrs for this great objective.
[18] These words of Atatürk’s in 1918 about 1915 seem standard patriot puffs. Or rather: not quite. Consider Atatürk’s backhander of 1918, typical of Young Turks like he, about winning ‘the right to a status of which we can be proud’.
[19] Still we ask the question, why did Atatürk go out of his way to honour these invaders who had brought so much death and anguish? (...) Atatürk admired European values.
[20] (...) anti-Ottoman fabric of Kemalist Turkish nationalism. (...) applying European norms of nationhood, republicanism and secular-ism. (...) The new Kemalist nationalism which was trumpeted in 1919 emerged implicitly at Gallipoli between April and November 1915. (...)
[21] So, I suspect this is how and why 1915 looked different by 1934. (...) Turkey was born there and then at Gallipoli, as Johnnies who knew nothing about Mehmets re-made those Mehmets as masters of their fate.
[1] http://peterstanley.net/about-me/
[2] http://www.est-translationstudies.org/c ... ittees.htm
[3] Antnohy Pym, “On the passage of transcendent messages: Johnnies and Mehmets” Version 1.6. May19, 2015. http://usuaris.tinet.cat/apym/on-line/t ... endent.Pdf
[4] Jones, Adrian. 2004. “A note on Atatürk’s words about Gallipoli”, History of Australia 2(1): 10-1 – 10-9 (...)
[5] This article looks again at the words which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk addressed in 1934 to the Europeans against whom he had fought at Gallipoli, words now set in stone beside Anzac Cove. It offers a historical explanation of the extraordinarily generous terms in which he spoke. (...)
[6] “Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears. Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well.”(1) The words are Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s (3) . They were written by him in 1934 to be spoken about foreigners who invaded the European shores of the Dardanelles in 1915.
[7] Modern Turkey was late to recognise the defenders of the Gallipoli side of the Dardanelles campaign, only building monuments in the 1960s and 1970s that balanced those erected by the Allied War Graves Commission after 1934.
[8] Atatürk’s words were therefore exceptional in 1934: the founder of a Turkish republic, a victor in one of the first successful post-colonial struggles, the Turkish war of independence of 1919–22, had oddly troubled himself to equate Turkey’s Mehmets, dead heroes of the Dardanelles campaigns of 1915, with the dead of the imperialist invaders. (...)
[9] ŞükrüKaya, Interior Minister in Atatürk’s government in 1934, (...) Atatürk had been ailing since 1933. He died in 1938. (...)
[10] Then the Father of the Turks – the title ‘Atatürk’ was bestowed in 1933
[11] Atatürk went on to tell him that his speech must also honour the dead of the invaders. (...) He had just superintended the sup-pression of fieyh Said’s Kurdish revolt seeking to undo Atatürk’s secularism. Kaya must have been perplexed, if not vexed. Why honour external invaders and aggressors? (...)
[12] Atatürk knew that the invaders (...) They were agents of foreign powers out to turn Turkey into a patchwork of colonies. Yet Atatürk stil went out of his way in 1934 to honour these imperialist invaders (...) the ailing Atatürk wrote a short speech for him to give. He handed it to the bemused Minister to deliver at the Gallipoli site (İğdemir 1978 pp. 6, 39). Atatürk (...) addressed to invaders whom he honoured un-named (...) (...)
[13] Atatürk was honouring an enemy. (...) Yet Atatürk blessed un-named invaders of his homeland. (...) Atatürk seems to have honoured the invaders in 1934 because they unknowingly prompted Atatürk and the Turks to shape the kind of nation that the Turks came to know that they wanted, (...)
[14] (...) He wrote and said little about the Gallipoli landings. And the few things he did say and write differed. My thesis is that Atatürk’s views changed (...) My evidence is that Atatürk’s words about Anzac deeds differed in revealing ways according to whether they were uttered in 1915 – mid-battle, in 1918 – after battle, but before independence, and in 1934 (...)
[15] (...) His noble words of 1934 were about deeds of 1915 that had not seemed noble to him in 1918. (...)
[16] (...) Atatürk’s initial response had been far less generous. Speaking to a journalist in 1918 he had noted dismissively: When Ottoman soldiers attacked ferociously, supported by accurate shrapnel fire from mountain batteries, the English soldiers could only think of escaping to the sea. I was surprised to hear that even General Ian Hamilton came on location and could not have his commands obeyed and there was much discussion and procrastination amongst the senior officers. This allowed us to win… We captured many machine guns and prisoners.
[17] (...) The English brag about the soldiers and officers who fought gallantly and bravely at Arı Burnu landings and at this front. But think about [how] the enemy… equipped with the most advanced war machinery and determination by and large were forced to remain on these shores. Our officers and soldiers [whose] love for their motherland and religion and heroism protected the doors of their capital İstanbul against such a proud enemy won the right to a status [of which] we can be proud. I congratulate all the members of the fighting units under my command. I remember with deep and eternal respect all the ones who sacrificed their lives and became martyrs for this great objective.
[18] These words of Atatürk’s in 1918 about 1915 seem standard patriot puffs. Or rather: not quite. Consider Atatürk’s backhander of 1918, typical of Young Turks like he, about winning ‘the right to a status of which we can be proud’.
[19] Still we ask the question, why did Atatürk go out of his way to honour these invaders who had brought so much death and anguish? (...) Atatürk admired European values.
[20] (...) anti-Ottoman fabric of Kemalist Turkish nationalism. (...) applying European norms of nationhood, republicanism and secular-ism. (...) The new Kemalist nationalism which was trumpeted in 1919 emerged implicitly at Gallipoli between April and November 1915. (...)
[21] So, I suspect this is how and why 1915 looked different by 1934. (...) Turkey was born there and then at Gallipoli, as Johnnies who knew nothing about Mehmets re-made those Mehmets as masters of their fate.
Cengiz ÖZAKINCI, “Bütün Dünya”, Ağustos 2015