Aşağıdaki alıntı yapılmış yazıyı, " http://www.youtube.com/contact " adlı adrese herkesin göndermesini rica ediyoruz. (Direk adres

Sevgiler & Saygılar
For whom it may concern,
We realized a youtube link and at this link there is a film of lies,hatred against Turks and Turkish culture and the greatest Turk ever-ATATURK-and all these lies are big insult for Turkish nation.
Please delete this link and all related links about it.
Please note that Turkiye is one of the most popular youtube clicking countries all around the world.
We believe that youtube authorities will no longer let this film and these kind of films and false propaganda documents against Turks or any other nations.
Some very small members of great Turkish nation
Note: If it is requested you can get the details of the sender of that film from voiceofturkish@hotmail.com. We do not give his details here because we do not want our nation to see his details
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